Thursday, November 10, 2011

Wat’er Day?

If you have gotten our emails, then you have been aware that water is a huge problem for us. Actually, it’s the lack of water that is the issue!  This past week we’d sent out a prayer request asking for help with our water situation. It has become apparent that the reason we do not have water from our taps or from our bore hole is because the water table is too low to pump any water. The only lasting solution is for the rains to come, and keep raining for some time. 

Just a couple of nights ago, during evening devotions with the boarding students, we read from Numbers 20 & 21. This was the story of Israelites wandering in the desert and they, too, had run out of water. Following the Israelites griping and complaining to Aaron and Moses, God tells Moses that He hears their complaints and instructs Moses on what to do. While Moses’ anger got the best of him, and it cost him dearly, God supernaturally produced water by having it flow out from the rocks. The Jewish people came to know God as their provider once again.  We took that as a sign that God is preparing to provide for us, and we are dependent upon Him for everything we need.

This morning Greg went to the office of Macha Works; they oversee any construction & maintenance for our property. He wanted to inquire as to any movement on solving the water problem. Macha Works was not aware that our holding tank was empty. Later today, they came with a John Deere tractor and trailer, loaded up our big green tank and then returned with it partially filled. This was an answer to our prayers. We are hoping that this will at least get us through the weekend.

While a new, bigger tank on a tall stand or tower is in the works for the future, right now it appears that we will need to continue to fill our containers from the nearest flowing bore hole. 
So, please keep praying for the rains to come!

Macha Works came to refill our water tank. They took our tank (on sidewalk), brought it back half full, emptied the water  into buckets, cans, tubs etc., replaced the tank on our sidewalk, and then poured the water back into the tank.

When we go for water, we take all the containers we can find to the nearest bore hole.

This is our nearest flowing bore hole right now. Pictured with Greg  are the security guard (left) Justine Milandu, computer lab teacher and boarding parent (center) along with a student that came to help.,

The Photo Project
While Greg is busy keeping enough water on hand, Kathy has been busy teaching the 6th grade computer/photography class. The 6th graders have taken on a project to send thank you’s to all the sponsors for student’s tuition/boarding. Each sponsored student has written a letter to their sponsors, and the 6th graders have been taking the students photos. They have learned to scan and save letters, how to take appealing photos and will soon learn how to send emails with attachments. 

Today was photo retake day. Each 6th grader had evaluated the photos that they had previously taken and determined which photos were “keepers” and which needed to be retaken. Kathy had not only taught them what makes a photo appealing, but also how to interact with their subjects. They learned that the photographer was responsible for the background and lighting, the pose including facial expression and helping their subject to feel comfortable during the photo session. Each said, “This is harder than I thought!” Several had “glorious” moments when they reviewed their photos and screamed “Look at this one! I like it!”
What a day! Or “Wat’er day!”
Chrispine, photo taken by 6th grade student.

Divide, another photo taken by 6th graders.

Double, this is Divide's twin. Photo taken by 6th graders.

--On a sad note: This evening just after dinner, we learned that the older brother of two of our boarding students passed away today. This was quite hard on the two boys who are twins, but also on all of the boarding students as they have become a family as well. Each one has endured similar loss, and death impacts every family here too often. After a short devotional time, Greg took the boys home to their family as this seemed best. Please pray for Double and Divide and for their family as they grieve together and plan for the funeral.


  1. Wow, what an ordeal!! Praying that God will provide water for you (and all of Macha) in whatever way He chooses.

    The photos of the kids look great! You're teaching them well. Double and Divide are growing up! Are you able to tell them apart?

  2. Praying for God's will in all that is going on. Whew! There's so much! I am praying for your continued health and energy to meet the needs placed in front of you each day. God's provision and strength is obvious and apparent in you. I am praising Him for you are beautifully and wonderfully made! I love you two. Keep the updates coming. :)

  3. Double and Divide are identical twins and when I asked other students if they could tell them apart they said "Divide is taller but if they aren't together we can't tell". So, I asked Divide, "how can I tell you apart, what are the differences?' Divide told me that he has a small scar on his right cheek. So I am surprising the others by calling them by name when they can't!
